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Found 27 items related to »Mike Whitney«. Displaying items 1 to 10.

Surge in Housing Supply Will Drive Down Prices
By Mike Whitney Home ownership has become an albatross. Prices are falling, demand is weak, foreclosures have skyrocketed, and inventory is backed up to the moon. If there's an upside, it's hard to see. http://www.informati onclearinghouse.info/artic le26367.htm... ...
rudkla - 16. Sep, 09:12

The GOP's Masterplan: Obstruct, Smear, Lie, Repeat
By Mike Whitney By the time the Republicans were swept from office in 2008, the economy was in freefall. Unemployment was rising at 750,000 per month, and all of the main economic indicators were plunging... ...
rudkla - 1. Sep, 22:39

Another False Ending: Contracting Out the Iraq Occupation
Bill Quigley and Laura Raymond, Truthout: "Another false ending to the Iraq war is being declared. Nearly seven years after George Bush's infamous 'Mission Accomplished' speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln,... ...
rudkla - 2. Sep, 08:25

Bernanke: Stop the Printing Press
http://www.lewrockwell.com /rogers-j/rogers-j114.html On more stimulus and unlimited money printing http://www.lewroc kwell.com/daughty/mogambo7 0.1.html -------- Mo’ money, mo’ problems Ludwig von Mises... ...
rudkla - 11. Sep, 05:34

The Backward Slide into Recession
By Mike Whitney The US is now facing a protracted period of high unemployment and subpar economic performance punctuated by infrequent stock market rallies and predictable bursts of optimism. The recovery... ...
rudkla - 30. Aug, 22:43

Make Sure the Bunker is Well Stocked
By Mike Whitney No one wants to fix the problem, because then the big players would lose boatloads of money. So the vehicle continues to speed faster and faster down the mountain veering wildly from... ...
rudkla - 30. Aug, 05:54

Stock Market Crash Omen Confirmed
Hindenburg Omen Tripped Again By Steven Russolillo The Omen has been behind every market crash since 1987, but significant stock-market declines have followed only 25% of the time. So there's a high... ...
rudkla - 31. Aug, 08:01

The Recession is Heading Toward Depression
By Daniel Tencer "What Obama's doing out there is he's hustling a confidence game." http://www.informat ionclearinghouse.info/arti cle26222.htm Obama's "Recovery Summer" Hits a Snag By Mike Whitney... ...
rudkla - 24. Aug, 22:48

The Economy is in Big Trouble
By Mike Whitney As the stimulus runs out, unemployment will edge upwards, deleveraging and debt liquidation will gain momentum, and the economy will succumb to another vicious contraction. http://www.i nformationclearinghouse.in fo/article26206.htm Cha se... ...
rudkla - 21. Aug, 09:58

Mass Delusion American Style
http://www.lewrockwell.com /quinn/quinn34.1.html No Exit: Stage Left or Right http://www.lewrockwe ll.com/schiff/schiff108.ht ml -------- Housing Crisis a Symptom of Capitalism's Failure Rick Wolff, Truthout:... ...
rudkla - 25. Aug, 08:39

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