The Seinfeld strategy

In These Times
by David Sirota


For the first time in more than a decade, Democrats seem to have a shot at taking back Congress. But also for the first time in recent history, Congress is on the cusp of switching hands without a voter mandate. How is that possible? Because Democrats are only in the hunt thanks to gross Republican missteps -- and they are going out of their way to make sure their potential election to the majority is about nothing. Call it the Seinfeld strategy. Los Angeles Times columnist Ron Brownstein reports, 'Democratic leaders are drifting toward a midterm message that indicts Bush more on grounds of competence (on issues such as Iraq, Hurricane Katrina and prescription drugs) than ideology.' As a short-term electoral tactic, the Seinfeldian 'competence' strategy allows the GOP to right itself with new management. Sadly, it is not a strategy based on ideological differences that puts a boot to conservatives' neck when their hypocrisy trips them up and they fall down...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

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