BP Oil Slick Now Threatens 60 Percent of America's Tidal Marshes

New data has been released showing that the massive BP oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico is already contaminating one major protected North American Marine Ecoregion, containing more than 60-percent of America's tidal marshes, and is threatening at least two more.


BP Oil Spill: Against Gov. Jindal's Wishes, Crude-Sucking Barges Stopped by Coast Guard

59 Days Into Oil Crisis, Gulf Coast Governors Say Feds Are Failing Them.

U.S. scientist warns impact of methane gas as result of Gulf oil spill

"The mixture coming up is now about 40 percent methane and 60 percent oil from undersea of the Gulf of Mexico," Kessler explained . "This means there are immense amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, being input into the Gulf."


ROV films oil leak coming from rock cracks on seafloor

This video was recorded from the Viking Poseidon -- ROV 1 on June 13th, 2010 at 2:58 AM EST.


How Taxpayers Are Subsidizing BP's Disaster Through the Pentagon

Gulf oil spill: A Hole in the World

By Naomi Klein

This Gulf coast crisis is about many things - corruption, deregulation, the addiction to fossil fuels. But underneath it all, it's about this: our culture's excruciatingly dangerous claim to have such complete understanding and command over nature that we can radically manipulate and re-engineer it with minimal risk to the natural systems that sustain us.


Gulf Fisherman: "It's Heartbreaking "


Dwayne Price, a charter boat fisherman, gave the AP's Bonny Ghosh a tour of oil-soaked Barataria Bay in Louisiana.


Spill could last for up to four more years

BP oil spill caused by 'negligence or misconduct', says drilling partner.

BP chief's yachting trip 'a big mistake'?

Pictures of Tony Hayward yachting at the Isle of Wight billed as a PR nightmare and insulting to those affected by oil slick.


From Information Clearing House


Toxic Dispersant Use in Gulf is 'Massive, Uncontrolled' Experiment

BP 'Complacent' over Oil Well Risks

Corporate Gusher, Public Sun

Top Republicans Offer BP Apologies, Tips to Avoid Accountability

Center for Biological Diversity: Lawsuit Seeks $19 billion in Clean Water Act Penalties from BP


A deadly bubble?


Warning posted of 'horrific' rupture leading to 'wide-open well bore directly to oil deposit'



Will oil drilling become a pipe dream?

Independent Institute
by Robert Higgs


If President Obama’s Oval Office speech made one thing clear, it is that his administration and the activists who back it view the Gulf oil spill as simply an opportunity to advance their pre-existing agenda — which has nothing to do with cleaning up the Gulf, protecting the fragile coastal environment or fostering the region’s economy. The Obama administration’s May 27 order to stop all deep-water exploratory drilling in U.S. waters of the Gulf of Mexico for six months, pending the report of a commission investigating the causes of BP’s Deepwater Horizon accident, is a case in point. Public and political reaction to the devastating oil release in the Gulf has revitalized a coalition of environmental and anti-energy lobbies that oppose not only deep-water drilling, but all offshore oil production and, in some cases, all use of fossil fuels. As usual, political opportunists have been quick to seize the moment...


Justice and BP

A Passion for Liberty
by Tibor R. Machan


It is very probable that BP and its associated firms will be found guilty of malpractice and assessed major fines and punishment. However, this hasn’t yet happened so it’s premature to punish BP at this point. Nor is it the role of the President of the U.S. to act as prosecutor, judge and jury in this case or any other. Where is due process in all of what he and Congress have been doing lately? Or has an anti-British or anti-business attitude wiped out the need for justice? Urging or imploring — even attempting to persuade — BP to set up the $20 billion fund could be a good idea but treating this as demanded by justice is utterly misguided. There should be no compromise of principle even in the heat of anger and the grips of outrage and sorrow. It is imperative to wait until the verdict is in...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Gulf Oil Spill ‘Could Go Years’ If Not Dealt With

The Obama Administration and senior BP officials are frantically working not to stop the world’s worst oil disaster, but to hide the true extent of the actual ecological catastrophe. Senior researchers tell us that the BP drilling hit one of the oil migration channels and that the leakage could continue for years unless decisive steps are undertaken, something that seems far from the present strategy. There is a deafening silence from the very environmental organizations which ought to be at the barricades demanding that BP, the US Government and others act decisively. Environmental non-profit groups that have accepted donations from or joined in projects with BP include Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, Environmental Defense Fund, Sierra Club and Audubon. That could explain why the political outcry to date for decisive action in the Gulf has been so muted. Of course those organizations are not going to be the ones to solve this catastrophe. The central point at this point is who is prepared to put the urgently demanded federal and international scientific resources into solving this crisis. Further actions of the likes of that from the Obama White House to date or from BP can only lead to the conclusion that some very powerful people want this debacle to continue. The next weeks will be critical to that assessment.

F. William Engdahl, Author


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