Tuesday, 2. May 2006

"New Totalitarianism" defines a desperate neo-con end game


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What is mightier than the sword?

Mother Jones
by Chet Richards


Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has approved plans that designate the elite Special Operations Command, or SOCOM, as the Department of Defense’s lead element for the 'war on terror.' Instead of creating wars with half trillion-dollar price tags and endless streams of roadside bombings and mortar attacks, Green Berets and SEALS will slide in, grab the bad guys, and fly off into the night. Is there any reason to doubt that we have found the key to the 'Long War' on terror? If 'terror' were a military problem that could be solved with military methods, the answer would be: 'no'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's nuclear madness


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why Republicans are bad for free enterprise


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Sour news for GOP in poll

USA Today


Six months before Republicans try to hold on to control of Congress in the fall elections, a new poll shows President Bush has slid to the lowest approval rating of his presidency, and a majority of voters say they'll vote for Democrats in November. A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday found Bush's approval rating at 34%, two points under his previous low. He also received the lowest ratings of his presidency on his handling of the economy, energy and foreign affairs. He tied his previous low on Iraq: 32%. The poll showed Democrats leading 54%-39% among registered voters who were asked which party they would prefer in a congressional race...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

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