Monday, 9. October 2006

Plato's Britain

Cato Institute
by Marian L. Tupy


Tony Blair may be entering the last year of his premiership, but his zeal for social engineering remains undiminished. The latest policy proposal from Britain's Labor prime minister aims to deal with poverty among the people at the bottom of Britain's economic ladder. To help the indigent, Mr. Blair wants to move beyond cash handouts and increase the government's role in rearing their children. An increased state role in children's lives may seem like a strange culmination of Blairist legislative agenda, but the nanny-state has been at the heart of Blairism since the beginning...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

UK: Police and social services may be exempt from death-in-custody Bill

The police and other official bodies could escape prosecution for the death of people in police custody, army barracks or prison or local authority care, if exemptions to a new Bill are agreed this week.

From Information Clearing House

Politicians and the media are creating an ominous climate by exploiting fear and ignorance of Muslims

Incitement to hatred,,1889674,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Afghan violence worst in five years

Figures released by the Nato occupation force say the attacks are part of an intensified Taliban "insurgency" that has brought the worst violence since 2001.

From Information Clearing House

A million killers in waiting

Hostilities may be over, but over one million unexploded cluster bombs continue to threaten Lebanese lives.

From Information Clearing House

Lebanon: Prelude to the Rape of Iran

By Dick Mazess

An October attack would rally the US public around the currently unpopular Republican Congress and undercut the hapless Democratic Party whose virtually only appeal is "anti-Bush". It would also undermine the attempt of Iran to establish its oil bourse, a move that would bring Iran an additional $10 billion in revenues, and that some think would help undermine the US dollar as the world reserve currency.

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