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Found 5 items related to »Corexit«.
Slow violence and the BP coverups
CounterPunch by Anne McClintock 08/23/10 ‘Why do they go out at night?’ I ask. ‘They are hiding the oil with dispersants,’ Steve said. ‘They don’t want people to know how much oil there is out there.... ...
rudkla - 31. Aug, 11:32
Kampagne gegen BP nimmt langsam Fahrt auf - Greenpeace Closes BP Stations Across London
Tankstellen dicht gemacht http://www.heise.d e/tp/blogs/2/148091 BP und US-Regierung: Mission accomplished? Golf von Mexiko: Wie aus dem Ölteppich ein dünner schimmernder Film und "Zucker im Tee" wurde.... ...
rudkla - 8. Aug, 06:23
BP Oil Poisons the Gulf of Mexico's Food Chain
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2010/07/20-0 F ederal Contributions from Political Action Committee of Beleaguered Oil Giant BP Slow to a Trickle http://www.common dreams.org/headline/2010/0 7/20-5 EPA... ...
rudkla - 4. Aug, 22:53
BP Defends Record As 'Safe And Reliable' Despite Hundreds of Egregious Violations
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2010/07/12-0 C oast Guard Photos Show Spill Workers Without Protective Gear http://www.commondrea ms.org/headline/2010/07/13 -5 Finding Louisiana’s Methadone http://www.commo ndreams.org/video/2010/07/ 13-1 Oil... ...
rudkla - 14. Jul, 11:13
Countervailing power
Boston Globe by Robert Kuttner 06/10/20 As investigations are now revealing, there were laws that should have prevented the BP oil blowout, but the oil companies kept getting waivers from the Minerals... ...
rudkla - 8. Jul, 06:09