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Found 5 items related to »Danny Schechter«.

Fiddling While the US Economy Burns
Danny Schechter, Consortium News: "We know we live in hard times that are on the verge of getting harder with 500,000 new claims for unemployment last week, a recent record. The stock market may be over... ...
rudkla - 24. Aug, 09:55

Too Big To Fail: Too Big To Jail
By Danny Schechter We had three industries collaborating in crimes of industrial proportions - real estate, finance (with the collusion of ratings agencies) and insurance giants like AIG. http://www.informati onclearinghouse.info/artic le26187.htm https://shar enews.twoday.net/search?q= real+estate https://sharene ws.twoday.net/search?q=AIG +insurance https://sharenew s.twoday.net/search?q=Dann y+Schechter ...
rudkla - 19. Aug, 09:26

Countdown to Collapse: The Recovery is Not Recovering
By Danny Schechter The Congress returned from its recess to pass new monies to keep teachers teaching and cops patrolling. They did so by slashing food stamps so the unemployed and poor -some 41 million... ...
rudkla - 14. Aug, 22:07

Economic Recovery for the Few
Rick Wolff, Monthly Review: "Where is this elusive recovery? The banks, some say, have 'recovered.' Yet they remain dependent on Washington, they do not make the loans needed for a general recovery, and... ...
rudkla - 13. Aug, 09:50

The Food Bubble: How Wall Street Starved Millions and Got Away With It
Democracy Now! In 2008, there were food riots in more than thirty countries. The global price of food rose over 80 percent. This had an effect not only on wheat, but on corn, on soy, on cooking oil,... ...
rudkla - 9. Aug, 16:39

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