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Found 8 items related to »Fallujah«.

Seven Civilians Killed in US-Iraqi Raid
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2010/09/16-3 C onditions in Iraq Don't Match the Spin http://www.commondrea ms.org/video/2010/09/17-0 http://sharenews.twoday .net/search?q=Iraq+withdra w http://sharenews.twoday. net/search?q=Fallujah http ://sharenews.twoday.net/se arch?q=raid https://sharene ws.twoday.net/search?q=civ ilian+deaths ...
rudkla - 18. Sep, 09:11

U.S. wasted billions in rebuilding Iraq
A $40 million prison sits in the desert north of Baghdad, empty. A $165 million children's hospital goes unused in the south. A $100 million waste water treatment system in Fallujah has cost three times... ...
rudkla - 30. Aug, 06:10

Killing the unborn: Iraqi child cancer 'linked to US weapons'
Video Report Stories are now emerging of increased deformities in the country's newborn babies as well as a dramatic rise in the number of children with cancer. http://www.sbs.co m.au/news/article/1328172/ Iraqi-child-cancer-%27link ed-to-US-weapons%27 From ... ...
rudkla - 16. Aug, 09:15

Worse Than Imagined: Consequences of the Iraq War
http://www.commondreams.or g/view/2010/07/28-1 The Suffering of Fallujah http://www.commondreams.o rg/view/2010/07/29 ------ -- Rewriting history: Biden: US troops halted 'chaos' and 'destruction' in... ...
rudkla - 30. Jul, 08:50

UK admits using DU ammunition in Iraq
"UK forces used about 1.9 metric tons of depleted uranium ammunition in the Iraq war in 2003," UK Defense Secretary Liam Fox said in a written reply to the House of Commons on Thursday, the Kuwait News... ...
rudkla - 28. Jul, 22:43

Iraqi city has higher cancer rates than Hiroshima
The survey found that in the five years following the 2004 attacks by USA-led forces there has been a four-fold increase in all cancer. The types of cancer are similar to that in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki... ...
rudkla - 24. Jul, 06:13

The Democratic delusion
Frontiers of Freedom by Joe Murray 05/24/06 'Every nation has to either be with us, or against us. Those who harbor terrorists, or who finance them, are going to pay a price.' In the past couple of years... ...
rudkla - 25. May, 17:52

Our Descent Into Hell Has Begun
By TONY SWINDELL In Iraq, our descent into hell, our "Apocalypse Now" moment, has begun. First there was Gitmo, then the global rendition program, then Abu Ghraib, then the pulverizing of Fallujah, and... ...
rudkla - 5. May, 12:18

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rudkla - 21. Sep, 09:07




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