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Found 52 items related to »Middle East«. Displaying items 11 to 20.

Obama’s a bigger Big Brother than the last guy
The American Conservative by Kelley B. Vlahos 07/29/10 Obama seems driven to break every campaign promise he ever made and become the biggest Big Brother of them all. After flipping the script on Patriot... ...
rudkla - 2. Aug, 10:00

Who Voted for War With Iran, Mr. Obama?
By Philip Giraldi House of Representatives resolution 1553, introduced by Congressional Republicans, and currently working its way through the system will endorse an Israeli attack on Iran, which would... ...
rudkla - 5. Aug, 09:50

Congress' confidence in Obama's war strategy slides
Concerns about the lack of progress in Afghanistan are rising as U.S. lawmakers consider an emergency funding bill. http://articles.lat imes.com/2010/jul/20/world /la-fg-afghan-war-support- 20100721 Senate... ...
rudkla - 30. Jul, 08:57

The Fall of the US Empire and Then What?
http://www.commondreams.or g/video/2010/07/22-1 Addi cted to Bush http://www.commondrea ms.org/view/2010/07/23-1 The American Empire According to TomDispatch http://www.com mondreams.org/view/2010/07 /23-5 -------- America.. . ...
rudkla - 25. Jul, 06:25

BP's Oil Spill Caused by Fed's 'Dangerous Culture of Permissiveness'
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2010/07/21-1 S ilent Summer: How Oil Disaster Impacts Biodiversity http://www.co mmondreams.org/view/2010/0 7/21-4 -------- BP's Long, Bloody History of Reckless Greed Al... ...
rudkla - 22. Jul, 06:01

The Food Bubble: How Wall Street Starved Millions and Got Away With It
Democracy Now! In 2008, there were food riots in more than thirty countries. The global price of food rose over 80 percent. This had an effect not only on wheat, but on corn, on soy, on cooking oil,... ...
rudkla - 9. Aug, 16:39

Is the US getting ready to start another war, and blame it once again on the victims?
http://www.lewrockwell.com /holland/holland21.1.html -------- 'Israel convinces US with Credible military plan on Iran' Have Israel's efforts to convince the US to threaten Iran with a credible military... ...
rudkla - 5. Aug, 09:09

Stirrings of a New Push for Military Option on Iran
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2010/07/10-0 - ------- The Iranian threat Z Magazine by Noam Chomsky 07/10 No sane person wants Iran to develop nuclear weapons; or anyone. One obvious way to mitigate... ...
rudkla - 13. Jul, 09:51

General who said it was 'fun to shoot people' takes over US Central Command
A senior US general once criticised for saying it was "fun to shoot some people" has been picked to take over US Central Command, leading the military command running the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. http://bit.l y/9nTg9u... ...
rudkla - 23. Jul, 05:53

Huge tent city takes root
Homeless camps cover 50 acres, from Waipio Point, around Middle Loch to Pearl City. http://www.staradver tiser.com/news/20100627_Hu ge_tent_city_takes_root.ht ml From Information Clearing House -------- Governmen t... ...
rudkla - 9. Jul, 09:48

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