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Found 4 items related to »Nagasaki«.

The Greatest Nuclear Danger Today Is Nuclear War
http://www.commondreams.or g/view/2010/08/09-6 ----- --- Least we forget: View of Hiroshima after Atomic Bombing Panoramic view of Hiroshima after the atmoic bomb. It is many photos forming one 360... ...
rudkla - 14. Aug, 06:16

Hiroshima: Wer auf Atomwaffen setzt, riskiert die Zukunft - Commemorating Hiroshima Victims
5. August 2010 Anlässlich des 65. Jahrestages des Abwurfs von Atombomben auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki und im Gedenken an die Opfer appelliert DIE LINKE, den verbalen Abrüstungsbekenntnissen nun endlich... ...
rudkla - 10. Aug, 08:55

UK admits using DU ammunition in Iraq
"UK forces used about 1.9 metric tons of depleted uranium ammunition in the Iraq war in 2003," UK Defense Secretary Liam Fox said in a written reply to the House of Commons on Thursday, the Kuwait News... ...
rudkla - 28. Jul, 22:43

Iraqi city has higher cancer rates than Hiroshima
The survey found that in the five years following the 2004 attacks by USA-led forces there has been a four-fold increase in all cancer. The types of cancer are similar to that in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki... ...
rudkla - 24. Jul, 06:13

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