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Found 4 items related to »Netanyahu«.
The Mandatory Service Bill and the Impending Attack On Iran
http://www.lewrockwell.com /orig11/nimmo1.1.1.html W ar Is Coming http://www.lewrockw ell.com/casey/casey53.1.ht ml -------- Intel Experts Warn Obama Israel May Bomb Iran This Month VIPS memo says Netanyahu... ...
rudkla - 7. Aug, 09:19
Is the US getting ready to start another war, and blame it once again on the victims?
http://www.lewrockwell.com /holland/holland21.1.html -------- 'Israel convinces US with Credible military plan on Iran' Have Israel's efforts to convince the US to threaten Iran with a credible military... ...
rudkla - 5. Aug, 09:09
Attack on Iran Would be 'Start of Long War'
Study By Daniel Tencer Furthermore, the report suggested that any Israeli strike on Iran would cause a large number of civilian casualties because the Israeli strike would likely not be limited to... ...
rudkla - 15. Jul, 22:37
Will Turkey Sever Ties With Israel?
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says the current tension between Israel and Turkey has increased the possibility of war in the region. Prospects for war have grown: Assad http://www.presstv.i r/detail.aspx?id=133569&se ctionid=351020206... ...
rudkla - 24. Sep, 10:49