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Found 101 items related to »The American Dream«. Displaying items 1 to 10.

How the Rich Conduct Class Warfare
Do you know that between 1979 to 2007 income for the bottom fifth of the country went up by just 16%, but for the top 1% income it went up a staggering 281%? http://www.informat ionclearinghouse.info/arti cle26366.htm... ...
rudkla - 17. Sep, 06:16

Thousands Protest in Afghanistan
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2010/09/15 Dou bling of SOF Night Raids Backfired in Kandahar http://www.common dreams.org/headline/2010/0 9/15-5 -------- US-led troops kill elderly Afghan civilian Eyewitnesses... ...
rudkla - 16. Sep, 09:17

Afghan War Myths
http://www.commondreams.or g/view/2010/09/14-7 ----- --- Nato urged to allow partition of Afghanistan Afghanistan should be allowed to partition along ethnic lines by pulling back Nato forces and acknowledging... ...
rudkla - 17. Sep, 09:15

Business as Usual in Iraq
http://www.commondreams.or g/view/2010/09/13 ------- - They died for Iran Future of Freedom Foundation by Sheldon Richman 09/16/10 More than 4,400 Americans have died during the invasion and occupation... ...
rudkla - 17. Sep, 09:12

Blowback, Provocation, and Perpetual War
http://www.lewrockwell.com /grigg/grigg-w169.html Bu sh, Obama, and the Nine-Year 'Emergency' http://www.lew rockwell.com/tennant/tenna nt38.1.html 50 Mind Blowing Facts About America That Our Founding Fathers... ...
rudkla - 13. Sep, 23:03

WikiLeaks Publishes Pager Intercepts From 9/11 Tragedy
http://groups.google.com/g roup/omeganews/t/9dfa9ab31 15ec719?hl=de Watch Activist Daniel Ellsberg On WikiLeaks http://groups.go ogle.de/group/freepage-new s/t/53429ab1d28efe55?hl=en -------- Courage to... ...
rudkla - 18. Sep, 10:39

Obama wins the right to invoke "State Secrets" to protect Bush crimes
In a 6-5 ruling issued this afternoon, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals handed the Obama administration a major victory in its efforts to shield Bush crimes from judicial review, when the court upheld... ...
rudkla - 11. Sep, 09:31

The “meaning” of 9/11
AntiWar.Com by Justin Raimondo 09/10/10 What happened on September 11, 2001, has changed the shape of history, and certainly determined the utterly disastrous course of US foreign policy since that day.... ...
rudkla - 13. Sep, 09:35

The Federal Reserve is proposing another round of "quantitative easing"
Ellen Brown, Truthout: "The Federal Reserve is proposing another round of 'quantitative easing,' although the first round failed to reverse deflation. It failed because the money went to banks, which failed... ...
rudkla - 10. Sep, 05:40

Human Rights Violations in Yemen under the Pretext of Combating Terrorism
The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies strongly condemns the Yemeni army's shelling in the Lawdar district in the Abyan province, Southern Yemen, which has severely harmed the civilian population... ...
rudkla - 18. Sep, 10:52

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