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Found 18 items related to »civil liberties«. Displaying items 11 to 18.

Obama Deceives the Public
In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, the 79-year-old peace activist accuses President Obama of betraying his election promises -- in Iraq, in Afghanistan and on civil liberties. http://www.spi egel.de/international/worl d/0,1518,699677,00.html From... ...
rudkla - 18. Jun, 08:29

Obama Needs to Show 'Superman'-Like Transformation to Move Nation in New Direction
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2010/06/15 Tea chers' Anti-War Message Draws Fire http://www.commondrea ms.org/headline/2010/06/15 -3 Jon Stewart Skewers Obama's Hypocrisy http://www.commo ndreams.org/video/2010/06/ 16-0 -------- Jon... ...
rudkla - 17. Jun, 10:36

The Supreme Court Says NO to the People - Again
Michael Winship, Truthout: "At a dinner party, an ever-so-proper aristocrat who had been at the British evacuation of Dunkirk 60 years ago, remained tightlipped despite intense questioning from the other... ...
rudkla - 25. Jun, 09:21

New Report Reveals How Bush Torture Program Involved Human Experimentation
In a 27-page report, "Experiments in Torture: Human Subject Research and Evidence of Experimentation in the 'Enhanced' Interrogation Program" (available here), the organization Physicians for Human Rights... ...
rudkla - 22. Jun, 09:28

Torture: British MPs call for inquiry into MI5 role
New allegations that abuse of Britons was outsourced to Pakistani agencies. http://www.guard ian.co.uk/world/2008/jul/1 5/humanrights.civilliberti es These documents detail for the first time the experiences... ...
rudkla - 15. Jul, 22:47

Since Tony Blair's New Labour government came to power, the UK civil liberties landscape has changed dramatically
Suspect Nation Channel 4 UK - Video Since Tony Blair's New Labour government came to power in 1997, the UK civil liberties landscape has changed dramatically. The right to remain silent is no longer... ...
rudkla - 27. Nov, 15:05

Civil liberties 'made for another age'
says Reid Guardian [UK] 08/10/06 John Reid yesterday accused the government's anti-terror critics of putting national security at risk by their failure to recognise the serious nature of the threat facing... ...
rudkla - 10. Aug, 14:03

Saving face over ID
What do you get when you combine an ambitious IT scheme run by the government and a plan that threatens to ride roughshod over civil liberties? The answer is an unholy mess. http://www.timesonline.c o.uk/article/0,,2088-22619 33,00.html From... ...
rudkla - 11. Jul, 14:50

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