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Found 13 items related to »cluster bomb«. Displaying items 1 to 10.

Expanding the "War on Terror" in Yemen
Michael Horton, Truthout: "In an August 14 article entitled, 'Secret Assault on Terrorism Widens on Two Continents,' The New York Times reported on how the US is expanding its counterterrorism role in... ...
rudkla - 27. Aug, 10:58

Cluster Bombs and Civilian Lives
http://www.commondreams.or g/view/2010/07/08-5 Inter national Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL): 'All States Should Join the Convention and Forswear Use of Cluster Munitions Forever' http://www.commondreams.o rg/newswire/2010/07/29-4 -------- Cluster... ...
rudkla - 2. Aug, 11:32

Cluster bombs: a war's perilous aftermath
http://www.csmonitor.com/2 007/0207/p01s01-wome.htm Informant: binstock https://sharene ws.twoday.net/search?q=clu ster+bomb ...
rudkla - 7. Feb, 12:43

Peace in the Middle East?
Earlier this year, more than 300,000 of us came together to successfully petition for an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon. Since then, we've campaigned together on other critical global issues like the war... ...
rudkla - 21. Dec, 11:01

UK refuses to back cluster bomb ban as extent of use in Lebanon revealed
Global ban also opposed by China, US and Russia. Unexploded devices still killing three people a day. http://www.guardian. co.uk/international/story/ 0,,1925561,00.html From Information Clearing House ...
rudkla - 20. Oct, 13:06

A million killers in waiting
Hostilities may be over, but over one million unexploded cluster bombs continue to threaten Lebanese lives. http://weekly.ahra m.org.eg/2006/815/re8.htm From Information Clearing House ...
rudkla - 9. Oct, 11:30

Cluster Bombs Imperil Southern Lebanon
http://www.commondreams.or g/headlines06/0927-06.htm ...
rudkla - 28. Sep, 11:11

A Walk Through the Rubble: Israel's Use of American Cluster Bombs
http://counterpunch.com/la mb09142006.html From Information Clearing House ...
rudkla - 15. Sep, 11:02

More Than a Million Cluster Bombs Used Against Lebanon
"What we did was insane and monstrous; we covered entire towns in cluster bombs," the head of an IDF rocket unit in Lebanon said regarding the use of cluster bombs and phosphorous shells during the war.... ...
rudkla - 12. Sep, 22:57

Israel spewed cluster bombs over Lebanon in last days of war
UN: UN humanitarian chief Jan Egeland said Wednesday that thousands of civilians were at risk in south Lebanon from unexploded cluster bombs dropped by Israeli forces in the last three days of the war... ...
rudkla - 31. Aug, 11:17

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