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Found 30 items related to »deficit«. Displaying items 11 to 20.

U.S. Trade Deficit Widens to $49.9 Billion in June
Stocks plunged after the report, extending a global slide, on growing concern the recovery worldwide was slowing as a report showed output in China cooled and the leader of the Bank of England said U.K.... ...
rudkla - 13. Aug, 09:31

US Economic Outlook: Indebted to Death
http://www.lewrockwell.com /daughty/mogambo59.1.html -------- Runaway federal spending good for special interests, bad for the rest of us Liberty For All by Brian Irving 07/31/10 ‘Over the past few... ...
rudkla - 2. Aug, 10:05

Crowding Out Our Future Wealth
http://www.lewrockwell.com /north/north871.html ht tp://sharenews.twoday.net/ search?q=deficit https://sh arenews.twoday.net/search? q=Keynes http://sharenews. twoday.net/search?q=com/no rth ...
rudkla - 31. Jul, 06:22

White House Predicts Record $1.47 Trillion Deficit
New estimates from the White House on Friday predict the budget deficit will reach a record $1.47 trillion this year. The government is borrowing 41 cents of every dollar it spends. http://www.npr.or g/templates/story/story.ph p?storyId=128725212&ft=1&f =1001 From... ...
rudkla - 27. Jul, 11:11

NATO Diplomats Tune Out the Bad News in Afghanistan
NATO foreign ministers heard only what they wanted to hear on Tuesday in Kabul as they sought to reassure the world that withdrawal can take place in 2014. The reality, however, is quite different. http://www.spi egel.de/international/worl d/0,1518,707689,00.html#re f=rss Rebuild... ...
rudkla - 22. Jul, 22:49

Why Not Another World War?
http://www.lewrockwell.com /schiff/schiff102.html Wa r, Women, and the Taliban http://www.lewrock well.com/orig7/glass10.1.h tml -------- Don’t You Know There’s a War On? http://www.commondream s.org/view/2010/07/20-2 H ello,... ...
rudkla - 3. Aug, 10:29

Deficit hawks or war hawks?
Foundation for Economic Education by Sheldon Richman 07/16/10 Last week’s TGIF asked if the American people can afford a world-girdling foreign policy more befitting an empire than a republic. Look at... ...
rudkla - 3. Aug, 22:30

GOP: No More Help for Jobless, but Rich Must Keep Tax Cuts
David Lightman, McClatchy Newspapers: "Republicans almost unanimously oppose spending $33.9 billion for extended unemployment benefits for some 2.5 million people who've lost them, because they say it... ...
rudkla - 23. Jul, 10:04

Is the GOP Ruining America?
http://www.commondreams.or g/video/2010/07/14-0 ---- ---- Republicans Don't Give a Damn about the Deficit By Sahil Kapur The GOP's blocking of jobless benefits in the US Senate, while supporting... ...
rudkla - 15. Jul, 22:29

The long, slow flight from the US dollar
The Libertarian Standard by Ryan McMaken (07/09/10 The new competition over reserve currency is interesting for more than its economics since it is an important political issue. The nation that can build... ...
rudkla - 12. Jul, 08:53

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