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Found 48 items related to »foreign policy«. Displaying items 21 to 30.

Obama's Bungled Military Strategies
Part III Melvin A. Goodman, Consortium News: "President Barack Obama inherited a difficult national security situation - wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; an exaggerated and counterproductive war on terror;... ...
rudkla - 11. Jul, 22:50

Will Turkey Sever Ties With Israel?
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says the current tension between Israel and Turkey has increased the possibility of war in the region. Prospects for war have grown: Assad http://www.presstv.i r/detail.aspx?id=133569&se ctionid=351020206... ...
rudkla - 24. Sep, 10:49

Opium-Addicted Children: Paying a Heavy Price for the Afghan War
The revelation that the number of opium-addicted Afghan children has reached new highs is a sad unintended consequence of that war. It dramatically illustrates how adult war games can doom generations... ...
rudkla - 8. Jul, 05:57

Obama's New Iran Sanctions: An Act of War
Sanctions on Iran Means War http://www.lewrockwell .com/paul/paul680.html -- ------ Heinonen Pushed Dubious Iran Nuclear Weapons Intel By Gareth Porter Olli Heinonen, the Finnish nuclear engineer... ...
rudkla - 28. Jul, 09:47

NATO-General Petraeus nimmt mehr tote Zivilisten in Kauf
30. Juni 2010 Die NATO befindet sich in Afghanistan in einem Krieg, den sie nicht gewinnen kann, und der täglich mehr Menschenleben kostet. Die neuen Einsatzregeln des neuen US-Oberbefehlshaber General... ...
rudkla - 20. Jul, 17:19

$27bn later, Afghan security forces have made no measurable progress
http://www.ufppc.org/us-a- world-news-mainmenu-35/977 2/ -------- US to blame for Afghan slaughter Villagers in Baghran district of Helmand province reported that children and women were killed by the... ...
rudkla - 4. Jul, 06:27

Crony capitalism and corporate welfare: Is this $30 billion worth of corruption?
Downsize DC by Jim Babka 06/25/10 Do mere politicians really know how much credit should be given to small businesses? They sure seem to think so. The House voted to pass something called the ‘Small... ...
rudkla - 23. Jul, 10:11

Inner Circle Knows Afghanistan War Facts Would Kill Remaining Public Support
http://www.commondreams.or g/newswire/2010/06/27 "We 're F**cking Losing This Thing" http://www.commondr eams.org/video/2010/06/28- 1 -------- In case Americans care: Afghanistan war “will not miss a beat” Libertarian... ...
rudkla - 1. Jul, 09:02

Petraeus And The Politics Of Afghanistan
By Tom Hayden President Obama may have saved his reputation as commander-in-chief by firing Stanley McChrystal today, but he deepened his Afghan quagmire by choosing David Petraeus as the replacement. http://www.i nformationclearinghouse.in fo/article25803.htm... ...
rudkla - 20. Jul, 22:53

Not just a problem for the Gulf
http://www.brasschecktv.co m/page/875.html "We mean nothing to BP or the government" http://www.bra sschecktv.com/page/877.htm l -------- Gulf Oil Spill: Pensacola Beach Covered in Tar Balls Patrick Jonsson,... ...
rudkla - 8. Jul, 09:17

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Will Turkey Sever Ties...
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says the current tension...
rudkla - 24. Sep, 10:49
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BUND: „Die Baukosten schießen in die Höhe, die Bauplanung...
rudkla - 22. Sep, 05:25
War Is Murder
http://www.lewrockwell.com /kwiatkowski/kwiatkowski25 6.html The...
rudkla - 21. Sep, 09:16
The surge in defense...
Independent Institute by Winslow T. Wheeler 09/18/10 Accordi ng...
rudkla - 21. Sep, 09:12
Amid flooding, CIA resumes...
MSNBC 08/23/10 After a little-noticed, weeks long...
rudkla - 21. Sep, 09:07




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