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Found 21 items related to »housing«. Displaying items 11 to 20.

Economic Recovery for the Few
Rick Wolff, Monthly Review: "Where is this elusive recovery? The banks, some say, have 'recovered.' Yet they remain dependent on Washington, they do not make the loans needed for a general recovery, and... ...
rudkla - 13. Aug, 09:50

JPMorgan profit leaps nearly 80%
US banking giant JPMorgan Chase on Thursday announced a net profit of 4.8 billion dollars in the second quarter, up nearly 80 percent from the same period last year. http://rawstory.com /rs/2010/0715/jpmorgan-pro fit-leaps-80/ Economic. .. ...
rudkla - 17. Jul, 22:37

US home foreclosures reach record high in second quarter
Los Angeles Times 07/15/10 The number of U.S. homes taken back by banks through foreclosure hit a record high in the second quarter, even as lenders delayed more homes from entering the process through... ...
rudkla - 3. Aug, 23:00

How Brokers Became Bookies: The Insidious Transformation of Markets Into Casinos
Ellen Brown, Truthout: "Ever since December 2008, the Federal Reserve has held short-term interest rates near zero. This was not only to try to stimulate the housing and credit markets, but also to allow... ...
rudkla - 14. Jul, 05:59

Goldman Can't Say How Much It Made From Housing Crash
Greg Gordon, McClatchy Newspapers: "A congressional commission pressed Goldman Sachs executives Wednesday to spell out how much their company has earned from its exotic bets against the housing market,... ...
rudkla - 3. Jul, 06:03

Fannie-Freddie Bailout Could Cost Taxpayers $1 Trillion:
According to the Congressional Budget Office, the losses could balloon to $400 billion. And if housing prices fall further, some experts caution, the cost to the taxpayer could hit as much as $1 trillion. http://www.cnbc .com/id/37982580... ...
rudkla - 10. Aug, 08:59

Time to Shut Down the US Federal Reserve?
US Fed near to 'monster' money-printing to stave off deflation http://www.ufppc .org/us-a-world-news-mainm enu-35/9776/ -------- US Banks Off the Hook Until 2022 http://www.commondrea ms.org/headline/2010/06/29 -10 Police,... ...
rudkla - 16. Jul, 09:56

Massive Spill Forces Fossil Fuels Rethinking
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2010/06/16-8 T he Gulf and Our Oily Campaign-Finance System http://www.commondr eams.org/headline/2010/06/ 16-3 A 'Nightmare Well' Now Everyone's Nightmare http://www.commo ndreams.org/headline/2010/ 06/16-6 Day... ...
rudkla - 1. Jul, 09:26

U.S. home foreclosures reached a record
Bulging Inventory Signals Next Leg Down in Housing By Mike Whitney "U.S. home foreclosures reached a record for the second consecutive month in May, with increases in every state, as lenders stepped... ...
rudkla - 10. Jul, 22:44

Washington’s elite: Wasting billions and borrowing trillions
FreedomWorks by Matthew Clemente 06/08/10 These ’spend now/pay later’ policies have left America with an estimated $1.5 trillion deficit for 2009. That means that the federal government is spending $12,664... ...
rudkla - 22. Jul, 07:53

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