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Found 3 items related to »layoff«.

Do Not Pity the Democrats
Chris Hedges, Truthdig: "There are no longer any major institutions in American society, including the press, the educational system, the financial sector, labor unions, the arts, religious institutions... ...
rudkla - 14. Sep, 06:04

Unemployment Affects Three Out Of Four Americans
More than half of Americans say they believe the downturn reflects a "lasting economic change" (56%) rather than a "temporary economic downturn" (43%). Large majorities believe that the economy will remain... ...
rudkla - 3. Sep, 09:01

Countervailing power
Boston Globe by Robert Kuttner 06/10/20 As investigations are now revealing, there were laws that should have prevented the BP oil blowout, but the oil companies kept getting waivers from the Minerals... ...
rudkla - 8. Jul, 06:09

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rudkla - 24. Sep, 10:49
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War Is Murder
http://www.lewrockwell.com /kwiatkowski/kwiatkowski25 6.html The...
rudkla - 21. Sep, 09:16
The surge in defense...
Independent Institute by Winslow T. Wheeler 09/18/10 Accordi ng...
rudkla - 21. Sep, 09:12
Amid flooding, CIA resumes...
MSNBC 08/23/10 After a little-noticed, weeks long...
rudkla - 21. Sep, 09:07




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