Manufacturing dissent

Center for a Stateless Society
by Kevin Carson


Every society in history, since the rise of class domination (and of states as its instruments), has had a cultural reproduction apparatus. The purpose is to process newborn human beings into the kind of ‘human resources’ a given system needs to continue on a stable basis: People who accept the prevailing system of power as normal, and who dismiss fundamental challenges to the system of power as ‘radical’ or ‘extremist.’ But the Matrix we live in has its own glitches: Internal contradictions built into the system’s own propaganda, which act as stumbling blocks and regularly cause ideological ‘defects’ in the human resources being processed by the system. This is unavoidable. What the system does cannot be reconciled with what it says. What it says this week cannot be reconciled with what it said last week. And sometimes people notice, and put two and two together...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

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