How Many Iraqis Did We "Liberate" From Life on Earth?

Robert Naiman, Truthout: "Is there a man or woman in America today who is willing to stand at noon in the public square and claim that demands to bomb, invade, and occupy other people's countries have anything to do with human liberation? If such people can be found, let them answer a few simple questions about the US invasion and occupation of Iraq. How many Iraqis did we "liberate" from the companionship of their loved ones? How many Iraqis did we "liberate" from dwelling in the houses and towns and the country of their birth? How many Iraqis did we 'liberate' from life on Earth?"

"Blood on Our Hands"

Dahr Jamail, Truthout: "While most media continue to ignore the US-installed disaster in Iraq, author Nicolas Davies refuses to do so, and his book 'Blood on our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq' could not be released at a better time."

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