Cannon Fodder for the New World Order
by Deanna Spingola
In 1926, General Cherep-Spiridovich wrote, “War is only a ‘legalized mass murder.’ Thus Christ pointed out those who arrange all wars and revolutions, and that their chief cause is Satan and his sons’ ‘lust of murder.’ But ‘Christians’ never seem to agree with Christ.” Gandhi concurred when he said, “Everyone but Christians understands that Jesus was nonviolent.” Those who “arrange all wars,” are.....
In 1926, General Cherep-Spiridovich wrote, “War is only a ‘legalized mass murder.’ Thus Christ pointed out those who arrange all wars and revolutions, and that their chief cause is Satan and his sons’ ‘lust of murder.’ But ‘Christians’ never seem to agree with Christ.” Gandhi concurred when he said, “Everyone but Christians understands that Jesus was nonviolent.” Those who “arrange all wars,” are.....
rudkla - 4. Sep, 08:52