The “meaning” of 9/11

by Justin Raimondo


What happened on September 11, 2001, has changed the shape of history, and certainly determined the utterly disastrous course of US foreign policy since that day. We have launched a war of retribution against the entire Muslim world, a vast campaign of bombings, drone attacks, occupation, and terror unleashed on the peoples of the Middle East, from Iraq to Pakistan. This is precisely why the Israelis didn’t tell us what Mohammed Atta and his co-conspirators were up to, although — if we take Fox News seriously, and I realize there are plenty who don’t — there is no doubt that they had it in their power to stop the whole operation before the hijackers had a chance to strike...

9/11/01: Shocking, unsurprising

The Libertarian Standard
by Wirkman Virkkala


If and when this all collapses — America’s ability to support military bases around the world, America’s ability to pay interest on its own debt — I’ll think, again, on that morning of 9/11/01. On what horrors came so close to home. And on what ended. Lives, yes. But also America’s game of pretending to be for peace while spreading death; the politicians’ game of playing US vs. THEM and never expecting negative feedback ‘in the homeland;’ the citizens’ belligerent insistence on their own innocence even while showing not one jot of interest in what actually happens in the rest of the world — it all began to unravel on 9/11/01. And that’s good...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


9/11: The Rest Should Be Silence

Michael Winship, Truthout: "All of us have a role to play and none of them should involve inflaming hatred and prejudice among us; none of them should involve violating the rights of others or considering oneself superior to another or burning the scripture of those the ignorant and opportunistic want us to believe are evil or unholy.... Reflect and meditate in silence, please. Many have urged that September 11 this year not be a time of demonstrations for or against Cordoba House or any other issue; rather, let it be a quiet day of commemoration and mourning."

Since That Day

William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: "Nine years later, one truth remains: America is an idea, a dream, a hope that has yet to be realized. Take away our people, our cities, our roads, our crops, our armies and navies and bombs and guns, take all of that away and there is still the idea, as vibrant and vital as it was when the Founders first put ink to parchment and changed the world. Everyone you know owns a heritage that began somewhere else; we are all different in so many ways, and all that binds us is the ink on that parchment and the ideas therein contained. We are all our brother's and sister's keeper, beholden to one another, all of us children of that idea. Nine years ago, we were forced into an accounting of how dear that idea is to us, and were found wanting. Nine years later, we still are. The idea deserves better than what we have given to it."

The Self-Inflicted Wounds of 9/11

Melvin A. Goodman, Truthout: "Nearly twice as many Americans have died fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan than were lost in the 9/11 attacks. The total cost of these long wars will be in the trillions of dollars. When the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, the cost of oil was less than $25 a barrel; the price reached $140 a barrel in 2008 and, currently, the price is still three times the 2001 levels. The entire national security system has suffered as a result of the wrong-headed actions of the Bush administration in Iraq and the Obama administration in Afghanistan."

Islamophobia Back with a Vengeance, Nine Years Later


Laura Flanders, GRITtv: "It's the ninth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon this weekend, and while one war has ostensibly been wound up, another still rages--and inside the US, the culture wars have reached a fever pitch, with Islamophobic ugliness centering on the anniversary seemingly everywhere. From a pastor in Florida threatening to burn Qurans on Saturday (and terror alerts being issued because of his actions) to the ongoing media arguments over the Cordoba House community center, American Muslims feel threatened, and the outreach to the larger Islamic world is threatened."


This 9/11, Let’s All Take Responsibility for Ending a Summer of Hate


'Emergency' extended again as post-9/11 'reshaping' of US continues

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