
Thursday, 16. August 2007

Muslim hearts are hard to win after years of hypocrisy

Brown must understand that we won't win the fight against terrorism until we live up to our own high moral claims.,,2148981,00.html

From Information Clearing House

We've been neglected and let down say combat troops

The government is failing in its historic duty of care towards frontline troops who put their lives on the line in Iraq and Afghanistan, forces charities and campaigners claim.,,2148952,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Wednesday, 15. August 2007

Government accused of 'environment deceit'

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Tuesday, 14. August 2007

Britain's 'invisible army' of African slaves

Brought into the country under false identities and tricked into leaving their families with the promise of an education and a better future, hundreds of African children are being trafficked into the UK for a life of servitude, according to human rights campaigners.

From Information Clearing House

Sunday, 12. August 2007

Antiterrorgesetze gegen Demonstranten

Vorkehrungen gegen die geplanten Proteste von Umweltschützern gegen den Bau einer dritten Startbahn für den Flughafen Heathrow machen anschaulich, wie Antiterrormaßnahmen zur Eindämmung politischer Proteste verwendet werden. Die

Police to use terror laws on Heathrow climate protesters

Armed police will use anti-terrorism powers to "deal robustly" with climate change protesters at Heathrow next week, as confrontations threaten to bring major delays to the already overstretched airport.,,2146692,00.html

From Information Clearing House


Airport protestors attack police tactics

Raw Story


Environmental protestors at a camp near London’s Heathrow airport criticized the police Monday for using heavy-handed tactics ahead of an expected protest on climate change. Around 250 demonstrators have set up the Camp for Climate Action ahead of a week of protests set to attract more than 1,500 people when it formally kicks off Tuesday ahead of a day of action Sunday. Campaigners who say the world’s busiest international airport fuels climate change have joined forces with locals opposed to proposals for a third runway at Heathrow, just west of London, citing noise and health concerns...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Saturday, 11. August 2007

Prevent torture equipment sales at arms fairs, say MPs

Arms fairs should be patrolled by customs officers to stop the sale of instruments of torture and other equipment banned in Britain, a cross-party committee of MPs say in a report today,,2143136,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Friday, 3. August 2007

Police may be given power to take DNA samples in the street

The Home Office is considering giving the police the power to take a DNA sample on the street, without taking the suspect to a police station, as well as taking samples from suspects in relatively minor offences such as littering, speeding or not wearing a seat belt.,,2139673,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Thursday, 2. August 2007

Britisches Innenministerium will Gendatenbank massiv ausbauen

Großbritannien hat schon die weltweit größte Gendatenbank, nun sollen nach den Wünschen der Regierung Genproben auch auf der Straße bei kleinen Vergehen genommen werden können

Wednesday, 1. August 2007

Indefinite sentences ‘unlawful’, court rules

Indfependent [UK]


The policy of locking up some prisoners until it is considered safe to free them is in crisis after it was condemned as “arbitrary, unreasonable and unlawful” by the High Court. Two inmates, a sex offender and a man convicted of attempted robbery, won a landmark challenge to the system of indeterminate sentences, which have no fixed end-dates.They argued they could not demonstrate their eligibility for release as offending behaviour courses were not provided at the jails where they are held...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

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