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Found 24 items related to »Kandahar«. Displaying items 1 to 10.

Thousands Protest in Afghanistan
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2010/09/15 Dou bling of SOF Night Raids Backfired in Kandahar http://www.common dreams.org/headline/2010/0 9/15-5 -------- US-led troops kill elderly Afghan civilian Eyewitnesses... ...
rudkla - 16. Sep, 09:17

Battle for Kandahar is On
http://www.commondreams.or g/video/2010/08/16-0 ---- ---- Why the US empire will never conquer Afghanistan Future of Freedom Foundation by Jacob G. Hornberger 08/17/10 Cons ider what happened to a man... ...
rudkla - 18. Aug, 11:26

US Soldiers' Mission Showcases Afghan War's Hopelessness
Dion Nissenbaum, McClatchy Newspapers: "After months of deadly and often demoralizing fighting alongside mediocre Afghan forces in one of the Taliban's most intractable strongholds outside Kandahar city,... ...
rudkla - 14. Aug, 22:03

Do disclosures of atrocities change anything?
CounterPunch by Alexander Cockburn 08/01/10 The hope of the brave soldier who sent 92,000 secret U.S. documents to Wikileaks was that their disclosure would prompt public revulsion and increasing political... ...
rudkla - 4. Aug, 10:14

The Ugly Truth About US Wars
http://www.lewrockwell.com /margolis/margolis197.html The WikiLeaks Afghanistan Leak http://www.lewrockwel l.com/greenwald/greenwald6 9.html -------- WikiLeak s Founder: Docs Show Everyday Brutality of... ...
rudkla - 1. Sep, 08:53

The Unknown Afghan Body Count
By James Denselow The precise compilation of western casualties contrasts with almost criminal neglect in tracking the numbers of Afghan civilians killed since 2001. If Afghanistan is the "good war"... ...
rudkla - 20. Jul, 22:59

NATO-General Petraeus nimmt mehr tote Zivilisten in Kauf
30. Juni 2010 Die NATO befindet sich in Afghanistan in einem Krieg, den sie nicht gewinnen kann, und der täglich mehr Menschenleben kostet. Die neuen Einsatzregeln des neuen US-Oberbefehlshaber General... ...
rudkla - 20. Jul, 17:19

$27bn later, Afghan security forces have made no measurable progress
http://www.ufppc.org/us-a- world-news-mainmenu-35/977 2/ -------- US to blame for Afghan slaughter Villagers in Baghran district of Helmand province reported that children and women were killed by the... ...
rudkla - 4. Jul, 06:27

Afghanistan: Worse Than a Nightmare
By BOB HERBERT We're like a compulsive gambler plunging ever more deeply into debt in order to wager on a rigged game. There is no victory to be had in Afghanistan, only grief. We're bulldozing Detroit... ...
rudkla - 28. Jun, 08:49

Inner Circle Knows Afghanistan War Facts Would Kill Remaining Public Support
http://www.commondreams.or g/newswire/2010/06/27 "We 're F**cking Losing This Thing" http://www.commondr eams.org/video/2010/06/28- 1 -------- In case Americans care: Afghanistan war “will not miss a beat” Libertarian... ...
rudkla - 1. Jul, 09:02

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