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Found 3 items related to »Kevin Zeese«.

Is the Iraq War Over?
Kevin Zeese, Truthout: "Are US troops still fighting and dying in Iraq? Yes, troops are still dying and they are still engaged in combat. No, the war is not over. In the week since the much publicized... ...
rudkla - 27. Aug, 10:54

Put Away the Flags
By Howard Zinn On this July 4, we would do well to renounce nationalism and all its symbols: its flags, its pledges of allegiance, its anthems, its insistence in song that God must single out America... ...
rudkla - 2. Aug, 23:20

Americans Have a Right to Know
By Ray McGovern, Daniel Ellsberg and Coleen Rowley It is a safe bet that NSA, CIA, FBI and other agencies have been instructed to do all possible to make an example of Wikileaks leader, Australian-born... ...
rudkla - 22. Jul, 22:46

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