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Found 39 items related to »insurgency«. Displaying items 1 to 10.

Biden and the False Iraq War Narrative
Gareth Porter, Truthout: "In an interview on the PBS NewsHour last Wednesday, Joe Biden was unwilling to contradict the official narrative of the Iraq war that Gen. David Petraeus and the Bush surge had... ...
rudkla - 11. Sep, 09:27

Human Rights Violations in Yemen under the Pretext of Combating Terrorism
The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies strongly condemns the Yemeni army's shelling in the Lawdar district in the Abyan province, Southern Yemen, which has severely harmed the civilian population... ...
rudkla - 18. Sep, 10:52

Study ties civilian deaths to attacks on US forces
MSNBC 08/02/10 Each time U.S. or NATO forces accidentally kill Afghan civilians, insurgents and their sympathizers typically retaliate with six additional assaults on foreign forces over the next six... ...
rudkla - 3. Aug, 09:58

Do disclosures of atrocities change anything?
CounterPunch by Alexander Cockburn 08/01/10 The hope of the brave soldier who sent 92,000 secret U.S. documents to Wikileaks was that their disclosure would prompt public revulsion and increasing political... ...
rudkla - 4. Aug, 10:14

Wikileaks Afghanistan War Logs 'a very very big story'
http://www.ufppc.org/us-a- world-news-mainmenu-35/984 2/ Wikileaks reveals civilian deaths caused and covered up by US military http://www.ufppc. org/us-a-world-news-mainme nu-35/9843/ -------- Hum an Rights... ...
rudkla - 30. Jul, 08:42

The Ugly Truth About US Wars
http://www.lewrockwell.com /margolis/margolis197.html The WikiLeaks Afghanistan Leak http://www.lewrockwel l.com/greenwald/greenwald6 9.html -------- WikiLeak s Founder: Docs Show Everyday Brutality of... ...
rudkla - 1. Sep, 08:53

The Great Myth: Counterinsurgency
By Conn Hallinan The Afghan Taliban have never been a threat to the West, and the idea that fighting the Taliban would reduce the threat of terrorism is "complete rubbish." In any case, the al-Qaeda operatives... ...
rudkla - 3. Aug, 06:26

Saving Face in Unwinnable War
By Eric Margolis Sinking in debt and no closer to victory, heads may roll as the U.S. and NATO wrap up their pointless Afghan adventure. http://www.inf ormationclearinghouse.info /article25917.htm US... ...
rudkla - 12. Jul, 23:08

The Unknown Afghan Body Count
By James Denselow The precise compilation of western casualties contrasts with almost criminal neglect in tracking the numbers of Afghan civilians killed since 2001. If Afghanistan is the "good war"... ...
rudkla - 20. Jul, 22:59

Why West Lost Afghan War
By Michael Scheuer The bottom line is that the United States and NATO stand defeated in Afghanistan. Under McChrystal, Petraeus, or Obama himself the counterinsurgency strategy now being flogged has... ...
rudkla - 13. Jul, 09:25

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