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Found 42 items related to »insurgent«. Displaying items 11 to 20.

Obama's Afghan War in Perspective
By Gary Leupp Practically everyone now understands that the war in Afghanistan is going very badly. This is not because the Taliban and other "insurgent" forces are strong and their foreign foes weak.... ...
rudkla - 27. Jul, 09:28

Saving Face in Unwinnable War
By Eric Margolis Sinking in debt and no closer to victory, heads may roll as the U.S. and NATO wrap up their pointless Afghan adventure. http://www.inf ormationclearinghouse.info /article25917.htm US... ...
rudkla - 12. Jul, 23:08

The Unknown Afghan Body Count
By James Denselow The precise compilation of western casualties contrasts with almost criminal neglect in tracking the numbers of Afghan civilians killed since 2001. If Afghanistan is the "good war"... ...
rudkla - 20. Jul, 22:59

Why West Lost Afghan War
By Michael Scheuer The bottom line is that the United States and NATO stand defeated in Afghanistan. Under McChrystal, Petraeus, or Obama himself the counterinsurgency strategy now being flogged has... ...
rudkla - 13. Jul, 09:25

$27bn later, Afghan security forces have made no measurable progress
http://www.ufppc.org/us-a- world-news-mainmenu-35/977 2/ -------- US to blame for Afghan slaughter Villagers in Baghran district of Helmand province reported that children and women were killed by the... ...
rudkla - 4. Jul, 06:27

Wikileaks to release files about deadly US airstrike on Afghan civilians
Washington Post 06/21/10 Wikileaks. org plans to release as soon as this week documents related to a U.S. airstrike that killed Afghan civilians last year and plans to release combat footage of the incident... ...
rudkla - 20. Jul, 10:07

First Signs of Strain in Kandahar Offensive
Ben Gilbert, GlobalPost: "These are some of the first casualties of an 'offensive' in southern Afghanistan that the military has suddenly grown reluctant to call an 'offensive.' It has begun quietly, with... ...
rudkla - 21. Jun, 08:03

When the Army uses “enhanced interrogation” on an American soldier
Huffington Post by Joshua Kors 04/14/10 I had been covering veterans’ issues for several years and thought I’d developed a thick skin. But the pain on the other end of the telephone line was difficult... ...
rudkla - 22. Jun, 23:33

Rights group criticizes bloody Afghanistan air war
Miami Herald 09/17/08 U.S. and NATO air bombings in Afghanistan have killed more than 500 civilians since 2006, fueling a public backlash against the coalition’s war effort, a prominent human rights... ...
rudkla - 18. Sep, 11:10

US Carnage In Afghanistan
Harrowing video film backs Afghan villagers' claims of carnage caused by US troops Tom Coghlan in Kabul These are the images that have forced the Pentagon into a rare U-turn. Until yesterday the US... ...
rudkla - 30. Jun, 09:43

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