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Found 66 items related to »terrorism«. Displaying items 41 to 50.
Police to use terror laws on Heathrow climate protesters
Armed police will use anti-terrorism powers to "deal robustly" with climate change protesters at Heathrow next week, as confrontations threaten to bring major delays to the already overstretched airport. http://politics. guardian.co.uk/terrorism/s tory/0,,2146692,00.html From... ...
rudkla - 14. Aug, 11:41
Security hearings called "Kafkaesque"
Terrorism suspects held under virtual house arrest in Britain suffer "Kafkaesque" treatment in special courts that review secret evidence against them, a committee of legislators said on Monday. http://uk.reuters .com/article/domesticNews/ idUKL2936079920070730 B ritish... ...
rudkla - 1. Aug, 09:32
Reid threatens to suspend human rights laws
Independent [UK] 05/25/07 John Reid faced growing anger as he signalled the Government was ready to declare that Britain faced an ‘emergency’ over terrorism and opt out of human rights legislation. As... ...
rudkla - 26. May, 09:21
Judge quashes control order on terror suspects
Independent [UK] 04/04/07 The Government’s anti-terror legislation was dealt a blow yesterday when a judge ruled that restrictions controlling the movements of a man suspected of terrorism had unlawfully... ...
rudkla - 5. Apr, 14:36
Ist Deutschland im Krieg angekommen?
Terroristen fordern in zwei Videobotschaften nach dem Bundestagsbeschluss über die Entsendung der Tornados den Abzug deutscher Truppen aus Afghanistan. http://www.h eise.de/tp/r4/artikel/24/2 4814/1.html -------- Afg hanistan-Krieg... ...
rudkla - 5. Apr, 14:04
Rights group slams U.S. on Afghan record
"The United States has failed to adequately investigate and prosecute numerous cases of detainee abuse by U.S. personnel in Afghanistan," Human Rights Watch said. http://www.upi.com/Secur ityTerrorism/view.php?Stor yID=20070216-103225-5122r From... ...
rudkla - 17. Feb, 13:47
UK accused of Guantánamo collusion
More than 100 senior doctors today accused the government of colluding in war crimes by refusing to give medical aid to British residents detained at Guantánamo Bay. http://politics.guar dian.co.uk/terrorism/story /0,,1875367,00.html From ... ...
rudkla - 19. Sep, 11:11
Nonaligned want terrorism redefined
http://tinyurl.com/khful From Information Clearing House ...
rudkla - 13. Sep, 11:38
Afghanistan: "Enduring Terrorism"
"Der Westen weiß erbärmlich wenig von diesem Land" http://www.telepolis.de/t p/r4/artikel/23/23532/1.ht ml ...
rudkla - 11. Sep, 22:44
Canada: Distance the Afghan mission from the U.S.
As in Iraq, the Americans and the allies have managed the opposite of what they intended. They have "recreated the safe haven for terrorism that the 2001 invasion aimed to destroy." http://snipurl.com/w7j7 Informant:... ...
rudkla - 11. Sep, 00:10