Blair`s scandal: Blair's Watergate?

Informant: Alan Dicey


Blair says bribery scandal won't drive him out

San Francisco Chronicle


British Prime Minister Tony Blair, questioned twice in an investigation into whether political honors such as knighthoods were traded for cash, insisted Friday he would not let the inquiry force him from office. Blair has said he will step down by September, but the allegations have fueled opposition calls for him to go now, and one of his Cabinet ministers said the affair was 'eroding trust.' Blair told British Broadcasting Corp. radio that he would not step down to put an end to the controversy...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Blair's Watergate?

Tim Luckhurst writes: "Last Friday, for the second time in three months, [Tony] Blair was interrogated at 10 Downing Street by police investigating a scandal that is fast growing to resemble Watergate. The controversy began last March when healthcare entrepreneur Chai Patel was denied a seat in Britain's unelected upper house of Parliament, the House of Lords."

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