Tuesday, 29. June 2010

The case against invading Iraq



Iraq: The Hidden War


Iraq: The Hidden Story shows the footage used by TV news broadcasts, and compares it with the devastatingly powerful uncensored footage of the aftermath of the carnage that is becoming a part of the fabric of life in Iraq.


Sir! No Sir!

The Suppressed Story of The GI Movement to end the war in Viet Nam


A "must-see" documentary which seeks to return to the historical record the pivotal story of the GI anti-war movement during the Vietnam War.



The state of secession

Let A Thousand Nations Bloom
by William Miller


The most amazing contrast exists between the attitudes of the citizenry in third-world and first-world countries. The concept of withdrawing from an oppressive government is accepted by the public in the less developed countries, whereas the ’sophisticated’ public here in the United States deems secession to be unconstitutional at best and even treasonous by many, demanding that the people remain shackled to their government, no matter how tyrannical it may become. Yet many Americans feel increasingly oppressed by their government, as witnessed by their ongoing gatherings of protest, waving their ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ flags...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Happy Secession Day


Huge tent city takes root

Homeless camps cover 50 acres, from Waipio Point, around Middle Loch to Pearl City.

From Information Clearing House


Government stopping charities from feeding the homeless

Say Anything Blog
by Rob Port


The National Coalition for the Homeless has issued a report detailing laws and ordinances in a couple of dozen localities across the nation that prohibit charities — churches, civic organizations, charities, etc. — from feeding the homeless. Or, at least, inhibit their ability to do so with burdensome regulation. … This seems like lunacy to me. There are people who are destitute and hungry. There are other people who are willing to give of their own time, talent and wealth to provide for those people. But the government is limiting their ability to do so, or in some instances stopping them...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Ohio 6-Year-Old Turns Up on Terror Watch List

Transportation Security Administration,used to check only international passengers' names against the no-fly list, but since earlier this month has been checking domestic passengers as well.


ACLU mounts first legal challenge to no-fly list

The American Civil Liberties Union plans to sue the U.S. government Wednesday on behalf of 10 citizens or legal permanent residents who have been placed on a no-fly list and, in some cases, stranded abroad.


From Information Clearing House


BP's Oil Spill Fouls Water, Land and Air

America's Totalitarian Democracy and the Politics of Plunder

By Joe Bageant

The uniformity on Planet Norte is striking. Each person is a unit, installed in life support boxes in the suburbs and cities; all are fed, clothed by the same closed-loop corporate industrial system. Everywhere you look, inhabitants are plugged in at the brainstem to screens downloading their state approved daily consciousness updates.


When Companies Place Profit Before People

Australian TV Report

60 Minutes BP Oil Spill Video.


Oil Spill in Gulf Could Cause ‘Dead Zone’, Further Hitting Sea Life

Unheard Voices From the Gulf Coast: United Houma Nation

How an Oil Company Helped Destroy Democracy in Iran

'Organizing a Broad Resistance': Gulf Gusher Galvanizes Activists

BP's Oil Spill Fouls Water, Land and Air

Did BP Lie About Its Political Donations?


BP's Ombudsman Gave Congress Wrong Information About Employee Retaliation

Jason Leopold, Truthout: "Last January, Reps. Henry Waxman (D-California) and Bart Stupak (D-Michigan) sent a letter to John Minge, BP's Alaska president, seeking information about how the company was managing its Prudhoe Bay operations on Alaska's North Slope, as well as internal reports about the circumstances behind five serious incidents dating back to September 2008."


Unexpected Environmental Alliances Amid the Oil Spill

Paul Rogat Loeb, Truthout: "In the wake of the BP disaster, we've heard powerful stories from fishermen whose livelihoods may have been destroyed for decades or longer. However long it takes for the Gulf's fish, oyster and shrimp harvests to recover, those who've made their livelihoods harvesting them will need to create a powerful common voice if they're not going to continue to be made expendable."



$27bn later, Afghan security forces have made no measurable progress



US to blame for Afghan slaughter

Villagers in Baghran district of Helmand province reported that children and women were killed by the foreign troops.


A defining vote on Afghanistan

The Nation
by Katrina vanden Heuvel


More than six months after the implementation of the Obama/McChrystal strategy, and with one year to go before the beginning withdrawal of US forces, it’s clear that the strategy in Afghanistan is failing on nearly all fronts. It’s critical that we now turn to a more fundamental exit debate: How do we change course and craft a responsible strategy to end the war? Tonight the House will have an opportunity to do just that with two votes — on the $33 billion Afghanistan war supplemental and an amendment introduced by Congressman Jim McGovern that would require, at long last, an exit strategy including a timetable for the completion of the redeployment of US troops...


US-led forces kill three Afghan civilians

The civilians, including a woman, were killed in a NATO operation in the volatile southern province of Kandahar.


From Information Clearing House


Boehner proposes raising retirement age to pay for Afghanistan

USA Today


House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review today that he would support raising the Social Security retirement age to 70 to help pay for the war in Afghanistan. ‘If you have substantial non-Social Security income while you’re retired, why are we paying you at a time when we’re broke?’ he said to the paper in an interview...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Michael Hastings of Rolling Stone on the Story that Brought Down Gen. McChrystal and Exposed Widening Disputes Behind the U.S. Debacle in Afghanistan



NO more money, NO more surges, NO more lives for war


Stop The Afghanistan Occupation, We Must Stop The Corporations, And THEN The Wars Will End

At what point are we going to admit that Afghanistan, now at nine years being called the longest war in American history, is just an endless and permanently unwelcome occupation? It's never, ever going to end until we the people finally cry out to put an end to it.

Now that General McChrystal has been fired for being too publicly frank about a lot of stuff, including the fact that there is no hope of "victory" in Afghanistan, his replacement by General Petraeus offers little hope of an exit any time soon either. Instead, he warns things there are going to get worse, at a time when casualties are already setting records.

Tell Congress to End The Afghanistan Occupation

Action Page: http://www.peaceteam.net/action/pnum1050.php

We have NO national security interest in occupying so many countries in the Middle East. Quite the contrary, it just makes us more insecure and unsafe by breeding hatred and revenge for America's military arrogance all over the world. If the Cheney/Bush administration had not been so indifferently asleep at the switch the 9/11 attacks could have easily been prevented. By their own admission all they had to do was "connect the dots". Occupying Afghanistan does nothing to advance that mission.

The founders of our country in their wisdom sought to preclude a "king" from having the power to launch wars for the enlargement of their own power, to the detriment of the interests of the people. But today we have a new class of kings, corporate monoliths in the military and energy sectors, that are driving the bus whoever sits in the White House. And it does not help that to do their bidding the Cheney/Bush administration usurped every power they could get their hands on, none of which have been repudiated by President Obama.

That is why we must recognize that war is nothing but a perpetual profit center for corporations acting only in their own interests, and it is only by confronting the encroaching domination of corporations that we can ever actually put an end to war.

Help us get this message out by picking up a 25 pack of the "Corporations Are NOT The People" bumper stickers to give to your friends and neighbors, just as hundreds and hundreds of your fellow progressive policy activists already have.

Bulk Corporations Are Not The People bumper stickers: http://www.peaceteam.net/bumper_stickers_bulk.php

Your donations are making it possible for us to continue to distribute as many of the single bumper stickers as we can for no charge, not even shipping, for those who cannot make a donation of any amount right now. Here is the page for single bumper sticker requests, including the "Impeach The Supreme Court 5" bumper stickers.

Free Single Bumper Stickers: http://www.peaceteam.net/bumper_stickers.php

They tell us we must be in Afghanistan to defeat Al Qaeda. But Al Qaeda is not in Afghanistan, they long ago fled to Pakistan and other more friendly territories. Our own military estimates there are less than 100 Al Qaeda actually in Afghanistan. That means we are spending a billion dollars a year chasing each one of these phantoms, and just making more enemies in the process.

Worse yet, if General Petraeus is to emulate in Afghanistan his bribe the militants strategy to temporarily reduce the violence (otherwise known as the "surge"), that means even more of our tax dollars going directly into the pockets of warlord, insurgents and worse, on top of the millions already going to them already.

This is utter lunacy. Nine billion dollars on shrink wrapped pallets went missing in Iraq in one gulp. Our own treasury may now be the primary source of financing (a grave federal crime) for the terrorists we were told we were there to take out. But the corporations love that. It just means a "war on terror" for all eternity and a permanent boom business for the corporate death and destruction merchants.

Please take action now by speaking out. Only your voice can make a difference. Only your voice has ever made a difference.

And here is the Facebook link for the Green Jobs Energy And Climate Bill action page further above.

[Facebook] Action Page: http://apps.facebook.com/fb_voices/action.php?qnum=pnum1050

And this is the Twitter reply for this same action

@cxs #p1050

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.



US Warships Stationed Off Iranian Coast

By Daniel Tencer

As unconfirmed reports of an imminent Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities pick up steam in the Middle Eastern media, a US-based strategic intelligence company has released a chart showing US naval carriers massing near Iranian waters.


Massive Iranian military reinforcement near the Gulf region

Informed Iranian sources were quoted as saying on Monday that Tehran reinforced the presence of the army and the Revolutionary Guards near the coast of the Persian Gulf, following the U.N. decision to impose tougher sanctions, including the threat of international inspections of Iranian vessels.


The Iranian Threat

By Noam Chomsky

"They are gearing up totally for the destruction of Iran," according to Dan Plesch, director of the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy at the University of London. "US bombers and long range missiles are ready today to destroy 10,000 targets in Iran in a few hours," he said. "The firepower of US forces has quadrupled since 2003," accelerating under Obama.


The Moral Burden of War

Holding America's Soldiers Accountable

By John Grant

Is it a good time to ask whether the antiwar movement should stop using the slogan: "Support the troops, not the war"? More to the point, if our current wars amount to misguided policy helping to bankrupt the country in economic hard times, at what point does a share of the moral burden of this fall on the volunteer soldiers doing the fighting?


Israel and US allegedly preparing military strike on Iran

According to Egyptian sources, an American fleet made its way through the Suez Canal. Eyewitnesses say the fleet had eleven frigates and an air carrier. They add there was also an Israeli frigate among the ships.


Military strike on Iran will destabilize region: Mullen

The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said it would be "incredibly dangerous" for Iran to achieve nuclear weapons, and that there's "no reason to trust" Iran's assurances that it is only pursuing a peaceful nuclear program, especially after the discovery of the secret nuclear facility in Qum.


US Military Chief: Doesn't Trust Iran but Israel, US "in Synch"

He shot down the idea that Israel would stage a military strike to delay or destroy Iran's nuclear development, saying that Israel is "in synch" with the American thinking. He acknowledged that the biggest problem for the United States is how much it does not know about Iran's nuclear program.


7 Potential Economic Effects Of A War With Iran

Are you ready to pay 8 or 10 dollars for a gallon of gasoline? What do you think that would do to the U.S. economy?


From Information Clearing House


Berlusconi sorgt für Unruhe

Der italienische Regierungschef nährt die Gerüchte über einen Angriff auf den Iran, ein US-Soziologe schlägt in einer Pentagonzeitschrift Angriffe auf Irans Infrastruktur vor.


Tag des journalistischen Schweigens in Italien

Journalisten und ihren Verbände protestieren gegen ein von der Berlusconi-Regierung geplantes Abhör- und Mediengesetz, das als Knebelgesetz bezeichnet wird.



More Obama 'Stimulus' Is Coming


The Republic Is in Danger


CREW Asks for Congressional Investigation Into White House Violations of Federal Records Laws



Kucinich: We Are Losing Our Nation to Lies About the Necessity of War



A Nation Under Post-Traumatic Stress



Giant Salmon Will Be First GM Animal Available for Eating



BP 'Staked Future on Expanding Offshore Drilling'


BP must come clean, both literally and figuratively


Closing BP's Escape Routes

Robert Weissman, Truthout: "BP generates enough cash to absorb its liabilities from the oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico. But that doesn't mean it will. One of the benefits of the corporate form is that it gives giant corporations the ability to escape liability. BP may or may not choose to capitalize on such escapes, but it would be foolish to presume that it won't."



Gulf Tides: Oil Hits Home


Billions in cash shipped from Kabul in past 3 years as US fuels 'culture of graft'



Corruption Suspected in Airlift of Billions in Cash From Kabul

By Matthew Rosenberg

U.S. investigators believe top Afghan officials and their associates are sending billions of diverted U.S. aid and logistics dollars and drug money to financial safe havens abroad.



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