Friday, 2. June 2006

FEC Fines Frist's 2000 Senate Campaign

The Federal Election Commission has determined that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's 2000 Senate campaign violated federal campaign finance laws.

Spinning out of control

by Marc W. Herold


A growing disconnect exists between the daily reality of war experienced by the common Afghan and how this war is represented to the American general public by the corporate media, many non-governmental organizations favoring 'humanitarian interventions' around the globe (e.g., Human Rights Watch), and the U.S. military and its defense minions. The war in Afghanistan -- as most other wars beginning with Vietnam -- is waged both on the ground there and in the living rooms here. The recent midnight assault upon the small village of Hajiyan (also called Alizi) along the Arghandab River in Panjwayi District of Kandahar Province provides a case study to explore this disconnect. No doubt many similar cases exist, but the U.S. military media strategy to contain, isolate and stonewall succeeded there. A very graphic way -- a picture is worth a thousand words -- is simply to contrast photos of how the U.S. military is portrayed with Afghan children...

Memo to the victims: You yourself will pay for the crimes of the ruling class

The Power of Narrative
by Arthur Silber


One aspect of the profoundly evil system that has been destroying us for over a hundred years — and make no mistake, it is deeply evil in design, intent and effect, if by evil we designate those actions which destroy the very possibility of thriving life — is especially awful. The authoritarian-corporatist-militarist system victimizes untold millions of individual human beings, as well as many other forms of life as we see again today, both here and abroad. That would be a momentous evil in itself, but this particular evil is unsatisfied with only this first form of destruction. Thus, the victims are targeted a second time, and they are forced to become collaborators in their own destruction...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Instability and death count rising

Seattle Post-Intelligencer
by Mary Dejevsky


How much more lethal can the Iraq war become? About 1,000 Iraqi deaths every month, a U.S. death toll of more than 2,000 and nine British soldiers killed in the past month. Monday's roadside bomb in Baghdad, which killed two journalists, critically injured another and took the lives of two U.S. soldiers and an interpreter, showed that being embedded with troops now offers scant protection. Hopes that an elected Parliament and transferred sovereignty would cause the violence to decline have proved vain. Five months after landmark elections, Iraq's government is still incomplete. Even if it had a full lineup of ministers, it is hard to see it restoring law and order now that conflicting interests have run amok...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Convict nation

In These Times
by Silja J. A. Talvi


In May, I traveled to McNeil Island Corrections Center, a medium-custody men's prison in Washington state. I made the journey out there because I had been invited to experience the Native American prisoners' annual Pow Wow, which brings together spiritual elders, prisoners and their families, for a powerfully intense four-hour ceremony. The biggest challenge, as I quickly discovered, wasn't taking in all of the emotion surrounding the event, but having even the briefest moment of privacy for thinking, taking notes, or taking to prisoners. Increasingly, American prison life doesn't allow for privacy -- not even for outsiders like myself. ... I could barely endure it for the half a day I was there. Millions of Americans don't have that choice. Of course, many prisoners are indeed guilty of precisely the crimes they've been charged with -- or some version of the crime for which they've been sentenced. And some are absolutely innocent, doing time on trumped up charges, or because a snitch got out of prison time by 'rolling' on some of his friends...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The swift-boating of America

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Wars, symmetric and asymmetric and non-peace

Intellectual Conservative
by George de Poor Handlery


The customary reason given for the multiplication of the present's 'asymmetric wars' is that they pit a low technology force against one equipped with the means produced by an advanced economy. This definition limps a bit. Regardless of its emphasis on modernization, the Soviet Union had a third world economy fielding first world weapons. Furthermore, it is true that outfits such as al-Qaeda have currently simple tactical weapons making their activities truly 'asymmetrical.' There are, however, good reasons to assume that 'low-tech' arms will not remain characteristic of the equipment of comparable outfits...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dixie Chicks Are Number 1

John Nichols discusses the Dixie Chicks' new album as they climb their way back up to number one after taking major hits for speaking out against the invasion of Iraq, ten days before the war began in 2003.

Gorbachev Calls Cheney a "Durak"

Many Russians, don't care much for Americans these days. Like most of the rest of the world.

Bolivia President Morales Says U.S. Seeks to Kill Him

Bolivian President Evo Morales said the U.S. organized teams to track down and kill him, according to a note published on the Bolivian presidential Web site.

From Information Clearing House

Iran Badge Fabricator Goes to Washington

Basra: Where There Was One Enemy, Now There Are Many

Bush and Blair Could Care Less About Iraq

Why Hank Paulson?

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