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Found 27 items related to »intervention«. Displaying items 21 to 27.

Frieden für Afghanistan: Keine Verlängerung der Bundeswehreinsätze!
Aufruf „…Wir fordern die Abgeordneten des Deutschen Bundestages auf, einer Mandatsverlängerung nicht zuzustimmen! Demonstration am 15. September 2007 in Berlin (Zeit und Ort werden noch bekannt gegeben)…“... ...
rudkla - 9. Jul, 17:13

Ist Deutschland im Krieg angekommen?
Terroristen fordern in zwei Videobotschaften nach dem Bundestagsbeschluss über die Entsendung der Tornados den Abzug deutscher Truppen aus Afghanistan. http://www.h eise.de/tp/r4/artikel/24/2 4814/1.html -------- Afg hanistan-Krieg... ...
rudkla - 5. Apr, 14:04

Never Mind The Taliban
Video - Unreported World - Channel 4 Five years after the fall of the Taliban, western intervention has produced a mafia-style state. Reporter Kate Clark and director Tom Porter discover a fractured country... ...
rudkla - 9. Dec, 11:27

Bush hails occupation of Afghanistan as "great achievement"
Mercury News 09/29/06 Amid signs that the Taliban insurgency is regaining strength, President Bush on Friday defended his efforts to stabilize war-savaged Afghanistan and blasted critics who charge that... ...
rudkla - 2. Oct, 15:53

The delusions that shape Mr Blair's world view
How convenient it would be for Mr Blair if we all acquiesced in this theory of a global, unified terrorist conspiracy. It would mean that no foreign policy adventure, however extreme, could be criticised;... ...
rudkla - 5. Aug, 10:41

The Governmental Habit Redux
The governmental habit Foundation for Economic Education by Sheldon Richman 06/02/06 In 1977 the late economic historian Jonathan R. T. Hughes published a book called The Governmental Habit (updated... ...
rudkla - 13. Jun, 22:37

Spinning out of control
Cursor by Marc W. Herold 05/30/06 A growing disconnect exists between the daily reality of war experienced by the common Afghan and how this war is represented to the American general public by the corporate... ...
rudkla - 21. Jun, 08:31

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